Sunday, April 17, 2016

Here's to new beginnings

I want to be consistent at blogging.  I love to look back and read the posts from a couple of years ago, and I love the fact that Kai can do that someday as well.  But life just wins most of the time. Priorities are different, and exhaustion takes over.  I love my job, and I love my life, but, at the end of the day, there don't seem to be any words left.  I guess high school administration does that to you...haha.

Kai is in Kindergarten.  He loves it, and he has really come into his own.  He is so independent, and he is comfortable at school.  His teacher, Ms. Ellison, is fantastic, and he has grown so much in the last year.  He is really ready for summer, and I can't blame him.  Summer is my favorite time of year too!

Three years ago, I was accepted into the Leadership Academy in Knox County.  I worked at Carter High as a Grad Coach for one year, and then I went to Hardin Valley Academy as an Assistant Principal.  I was so lucky to get to be there because I got to work with the principal who hired me to teach as well as some of teachers with whom I had worked with at West.  It was such a safe place to learn how to be an administrator, and I feel so fortunate to have had the chance to learn in that place with those people.  Besides that, I had an incredible cohort of friends with whom I worked in the Academy.  There were many long nights and lots of long Fridays, but that experience proved to be one of the most powerful learning experiences I have had since I have been in education.  

In 2014, I got the opportunity to help open Career Magnet Academy in Knox County with some incredible educators.  The school itself its worth it's own entire post, but I feel blessed every day that I have the chance to work in such a place.  

To be silent for many years makes it tough to catch up on a blogging site...haha.  Rather than try to figure out what all deserves a spot in this most recent inaugural post, perhaps it's just best to dive in and start all over.  Here's to new beginnings....again.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy!!!! Yes! Jump in!!!!

    (Also- I feel like a stalker but was so happy when this post popped up!
