Thursday, February 2, 2012

On a lighter note...

Because of yesterday's super depressing post, I figure I have to follow up with a happiness and light update.  To get things rolling...

Brent and Laura came in at Thanksgiving, and we all took the boys to the aquarium.  They had a blast.

Clint's aunt made Kai this hat on the off chance we would have a cold day this winter.  Guess we will just have to put it in the curio cabinet as an ode to what might have been.

We got a new camera at Christmas, so my goal is to become a photographer extraordinaire.  This was my first shot.  Not too bad if I do say so myself.  If the subjects stay veeeerrrrryyyyy still, I think I can be amazing.

There isn't a particular story with this shot.  I just think it's cool.  (Well, besides that strange lady in the background...)  That's not true.  There is a story.  This is the first day we took Kai to the park that he actually climbed the ladders and went down the slides totally on his own.  It was a huge accomplishment for his playground-cautious nature.  He hasn't had that first big playground fall yet, but my heart did stop a few times.  I am fond of all his limbs and teeth, so I am hoping they aren't casualties.  

It's amazing all the things I DON'T take pictures of.  Clint and I went to Orlando without Kai after Christmas.  Not a single picture.  We also went to the FSU vs Notre Dame game.  Not a single picture.  Christmas.  Not. A. Single. Picture. Maybe the new camera will remedy that.  

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