Saturday, October 15, 2011

Quitters and birthdays

This post is a hodgepodge of the last few months...

So, we're quitters.  We quit school.  Kai is getting his preschool GED.  That no nap thing was killing us.  It didn't just make for a miserable school experience; it made for a miserable week because there was just no way he could catch up.  So, we gave it up.  Just like that, we traded in the Cars backpack for the ride to Nana's.  We handed off the Jesus stories for stolen cookies in mid-afternoon.  We figure he'll catch up...someday...haha.  In the meantime, we went to Michigan.

 He loved the water and the sand.  The water is actually blue, but Instagram makes it look dirty brown like Tennessee..
 Mom and Dad went with us.
 First time on the big boy swing.  He did great. 
 On the shores of Lake Michigan...
I'm one lucky girl.
 Kai loved it so much that he is currently researching his real estate options.  Given the misery that was the twelve hour ride that delivered us to and fro, that might be a good choice on his part.  We do not typically give in to the day time pacifier, but it is the only thing that kept us sane.
His star power shines so brightly that he has to rock shades at night.  Hater blockers, you know?

We are celebrating his birthday tomorrow.  He is turning two next Friday, but we figure he doesn't know the difference, and he's coming out on the better end anyway.  He is passionate about a lot of things, but eating STILL tops the list.  His devotion to it is rather exhausting, and I fear for his waist line, but so far, so good.  He loves cars, books, and "Eldie and Jacks."  He also loves his Nan and Pop, Mimi and Hee (Lee).  To be fair, he loves my mom's dogs more than he loves ours.  In his mind, they exist solely to occupy him.  He is getting better at church nursery; he's made it through two consecutive Sundays.  He loves to dance.  His perseverance is one of the most frustrating things about him, but I think, ultimately, it will serve him well.  He has the memory of an elephant, and he worships his dad.  He is obsessive about the way his clothes feel.  There is a certain comfort level that must be maintained at all times, and if it isn't, we hear about it.  One of the most incredible things about him is his empathy.  He is a very caring kid.  My grandmother is older, and he is her guardian.  He will race to her side to assist her as she walks.  He will remind my mom not to leave her (and, gosh, that is a tough job...haha...).  However, in the same breath, I have to say he is one of the most stubborn people I know.  There are some battles you just can't win with him, and I can't believe those words are coming out of my mouth.  He's two, I should reign supreme, right?  Sometimes it just isn't worth it, and I am trying to roll with the punches.  He will get down on his hands and knees to clean up spilled ice from the ice maker.  He will pick up all the shoes in the house, and he closes drawers.  He also pours out every toy from the toy bin and walks away without a backward glance.  He is a perfect mixture of infuriating and take-your-breath sweet.  He knows how to exploit a situation. He bats those eyelashes like he was born to do it.  I think the hardest thing about him is that he comes by all his "flaws" so honestly, and it's tough to have such an accurate little mirror.  How did that happen?  How did he get so frustrating...haha...?  Here's to a great two years (minus those first three months... :))!


  1. SO cute!! We need more posts! And, I totally understand about the no nap thing. That is crazy!

  2. You are such a good writer- and have such a precious son!! I love the trip pictures, and I am cracking up about the preschool GED.

    I love when you post!! This was so much fun to read. Happy early birthday to him!!
