Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Who I am today...

Kai has done A LOT of changing over the last three months. He can now sit up, crawl, and babble with the best of them. He is generally very happy, but he really shuts down when he is tired. He loves sweet potatoes, and he will try almost anything once. He may make a fuss about it, but he's got a good spirit. His dad can really make him laugh; he loves to play rough. The higher you toss him, the happier he is. He is incredibly ticklish on his tummy, and his smile can stop my heart. Here is a bit of what we have been up to lately...

This was his first time in his baby pool. He freaked out at first, but then he got acclimated-right before he scaled the pool walls to get to the deck...

Kai and Daddy during a rare down day...

He wasn't sure what to think about this, but curiosity got the best of him...

A reader he will be...

Just like his Dad, he's got a temper...hahaha...

Kai's first Easter. We lost my grandfather the week before Easter, so it was bittersweet this year...

Mastering the art of eating out...

Exhausted after a long day of funeral planning...

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