Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Story of a Name


Kai is a different name.  It is one that we came across in a magazine on a long drive to Tampa, FL.  I asked Clint what he thought about it, and he liked it, so it was something we decided to think about.  When we got home, I pulled out the baby name book that we bought when we first found out Cade was a boy.  It took us FOREVER to decide on a name for him...haha.  Clint was determined to have a good “quarterback name” just in case.  When we finally decided, we circled that name, and put the book back on the shelf.  After we lost Cade, and found out we were pregnant again, we again began the name search.  For a girl, we knew we would name her Kate.  For a boy, we were back to square one.  I pulled out the book I had stored so carefully on the shelf, and I flipped to the spot where we had circled Cade.  In this particular book, each name has the origin, meaning, and suggestions for siblings.  Under Cade, it said “brothers of Cade:  Kai."  Besides that, Kai means “ocean” in Hawaiian, which is so special to us because the nursery for Cade was done entirely in sail boats with an ocean theme.  Things seemed too coincidental.  It seemed meant to be.  That is the story of a name.  

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