So, a lot has happened in the last three months. We finished the house, moved in, and hosted Kai's first birthday. In the interim, he had his first hair cut, was liberated from baby food, and began wearing shoes. For him, it's been a good three months (except for the shoes...).
Normal kids dive right into the cake. Not my child. He did not want to get his hands dirty. For everyone else, this was a disappointment. For me, I consider it a victory.
I don't know why people thought it was too long...
This year was a little harder than last. Last year we passed Cade's birthday in the hospital having Kai. This year we were home, and we were minus one boy. It was very evident this year that one was missing. We planned a last minute party because it seemed unfair to not plan a party, but it was hard. There are days that hurt just as much as the first day without him, and this time of year is bittersweet. The best part about it is that Kai has no idea. For him, nothing mars his day or his toys or his friends. And that is such a relief. He is such a happy little boy, and I am thankful every day that we have gotten to share the last year with him. We have watched him change so much, and his personality is really shining through. He loves to eat and play and laugh. He hates his shoes and naps. His feelings can be hurt, and when they are, his bottom lip pops out so far it doesn't seem like it could still be attached. He loves his Nana and Poppy, and he is pretty attached to his four people. He will try new things, but only once if he doesn't like it. He is funny and sweet and handsome. He is cranky and hateful and demanding. He is everything that I had hoped he would be.
Happy Birthday Kai!